Sunday 25 December 2011

Vaikuntha Ekadashi 5-01-2012 Celebrations at ISKCON Bangalore

A major festival of South India, Vaikuntha Ekadashi is observed with all solemnity in the temples of Lord Vishnu. The Vaikuntha Dwara (gate) of all Vishnu temples is opened on this day. Thousands of devotees pass through this gate to get the special mercy of Lord Srinivasa Govinda. Lord Srinivasa Govinda receives a gorgeous bathing ceremony and special alankara on this day with sparkling jewels.

This festival commemorates the day Sri Nammalwar, one of the great devotees in the line of Sri Ramanuja entered the spiritual abode. Lord Srinivasa was waiting at the door to receive His great devotee. It was on this day, during the churning of the milk ocean, that nectar which had emerged out of the ocean was distributed to the demi gods.

Click here to view the Photo Gallery of Vaikuntha Ekadashi 2010

During this festival the devotees of ISKCON Bangalore offer a special laksharchana seva to Sri Srinivasa Govinda, one of the presiding Deities on Hare Krishna Hill. The seva involves chanting one lakh names of Lord Vishnu.

At the Sri Radha Krishna Chandra Temple, ISKCON Bangalore, the Vaikuntha Dwara is opened on this day and thousands of devotees pass through this gate to receive the benediction of the Supreme Lord who is seated there, to give them His auspicious transcendental darshana.

On this day, darshana is open till 11.00 in the night to accommodate the enthusiastic pilgrims. Since this was the day that the Lord Himself came to the doorstep of Vaikuntha to receive His devotee, these pilgrims constantly throng the temple for having a glimpse of the Deities.

The utsava vigrahas of Sri Sri Radha Krishna Chandra are decorated in Lakshmi Narayana alankara. Sri Sri Lakshmi Narayana are seated in a swing at the Vaikuntha Dwara. Expert musicians continuously playing their best for the pleasure of the Lord. Aratis are conducted throughout the day for the Lord and His consort at this place.

Offer your seva for Lord Srinivasa Govinda

For more information visit:

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Sri Nama Kirtana - Yashomati Nandana created by ISKCON Bangalore

Sri Nama-kirtana (Chanting of the Holy Names) is from Gitavali composed by
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. This video is made by Srila Prabhupada's Iskcon Bangalore team as a dedication to our beloved spiritual master, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya: Iskcon.

yasomati-nandana, braja-baro-nagara,
gokula-ranjana kana
gopi-parana-dhana, madana-manohara,

Lord Krishna is the beloved son of mother Yasoda; the transcendental lover in the land of Vraja; the delight of Gokula; Kana [a nickname of Krishna]; the wealth of the lives of the gopis. He steals the mind of even Cupid and punishes the Kaliya serpent.

For more videos visit:

Damodarashtakam created by ISKCON Bangalore

Srila Prabhupada's Iskcon Bangalore team has made this video "Damodarashtakam" composed by Satyavrata Muni as an offering to Sri Sri Radha Krishna-chandra.

It is said that anyone who recites or even hears this prayer, especially in the month of Kartik, will attract the eternal shelter of devotional service at the lotus feet of Sri Damodara. (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 16.1.198)

The Sanskrit word damodara is actually two words, dama and udara, which mean "rope" and "belly" respectively. The Supreme Maintainer of the entire material and spiritual existence assumes the form of a child, voluntarily placing Himself in the care of His devotees as if helpless without their love.

When child Krishna is bound with rope around His belly by the love of Mother Yasoda, the Lord becomes eternally famous as Damodara. By agreeing to be bound by Mother Yasoda's love, the Supreme Lord agrees to become subordinate to His devotee in the mood of loving reciprocation. This is a particularly sweet role for the Supreme Controller, as well as for the devotee.

Vaisnavas aspiring for this pure devotional mood, cherish the Damodara pastimes as exquisitely attractive. The poet Satyavrata Muni captures this attitude of devotion in his Sri Damodarastakam.

Saturday 5 November 2011

ISKCON Bangalore celebratedGovardhana Puja

Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON Bangalore celebrated Govardhana Puja on Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Govardhana hill is worshiped on this day to commemorate the pastime of the Lord Krishna lifting the Govardhana Hill on His little finger, in order to protect the residents of Vrindavan from torrential rains sent by demigod Indra. The Supreme Personality of Godhead performed this pastime as a seven year old boy in order to crush the pride of Indra, the Lord of the heavens. The Govardhana Hill is actually very dear to the Lord. On this day a replica of the Govardhana Hill is made out of cooked rice and other edible items in the temples. This replica of the Govardhana Hill is generally known as ‘annakoota’. Huge quantities of food are prepared in this ceremony and are very sumptuously distributed.